
"Enlarging Your Photos" Tutorial by Karyn

I'm in LOVE with I Faces. And every week I log on to participate in their photo contest and admire the entries from around the world. And some weeks I stumble onto amazing pictures that are so cute and fun, and yet, they are posted so tiny you can hardly appreciate the love that went into capturing the moment. So when Angie and Amy, co-founders of I Faces, asked me if I had a tutorial to write for them, I immediately thought "YES!"

When I started blogging I was a simple cut and paste kind of girl who had NO idea what cyber text was or how to manipulate it. I thought that when I uploaded my photos to Blogger, the "large" size choice for my images was the largest possible display. WRONG! Fortunately, my talented BFF, Julie Rivera, takes pity on me and shares her many secrets. She taught me about rewriting my "Html" information, and life has never been larger or clearer for my blog since! There are two simple things anyone can do to their blog Html to make their photos appear larger than normal. There are so many wonderful Blogger posts out there, everyone should be showcasing their work large enough for us all to appreciate it!

To start, I size all of my Blogger images to 300 DPI and usually 5" x 7" or "5 x 5" for my square crop. This typically gives me a file size between 6MB and 8MB.

I add my photo to Blogger by the standard upload method:

Select "large" as the image size. Click to upload:

After the image has uploaded you get a paragraph of what I call "cyber text" in your Blogger entry.

And the original image will appear in your blog as this size:

Now for changing the Html or "cyber text" to make your image larger. Locate the area in your Html that I have highlighted and delete only that section: width: 400px; height: 294px; It is very important that you do not delete too much or too little, every punctuation matters!

Next you will locate this other little tid-bit I have highlighted and you will change this number from 400 to 640. This is a number you can experiment with but I always use 640.

Your NEW Html or "cyber text" should look like this, with the exception of your file name instead of mine:

And your newly enlarged image should look like this:

Keep in mind:
- Every cursor and punctuation will effect the display of the image so if your image does not display properly, upload it again and only delete the text specified.
- This process will NOT work properly if you have an image that is sized to 72DPI or other web sized files. Please size your file to 300DPI before uploading.
- These directions may only work in Blogger.


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Karyn is the owner of Photos By Karyn in Central Texas, and the author of Photos By Karyn - The Blog. A graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology and The University of Arizona, she has traveled and photographed in 12 countries. Her favorite challenge and current passion is capturing the spontaneous nature of life with babies and children.